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Hello everyone it's me again **princess**. I know this another requesting site, well this site is for graphic requesting, Trailer request only and advertising fanfics and in dark angel we also have a challenge for all of you talented people!!..enjoy surfing
Web Missie: **princess**
Born: 01/14/2010 Open on: 01/22/2010 Version: 01 ft. DBSK Version: 02 ft. UKISS Navigation
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentines gift from affies^^ thank you affies you are all the best Love you all.. 0 Share Your Thoughts Blacklisted
Friday, February 12, 2010
I decided to put BLACKLISTED now cause many of you don't follow the rules.What's so hard to followed a very very simple rule??. It is so hard to understand that you cannot request from us when you already requested in other site? or you cannot request from other site when you already requested from us?. I want to be nice to all of you bad you make me so mad. So I have to choice to put you to BLACKLISTED. I'm sorry if you see your name here but I'm just doing this because I want you to learn how to respect other people's feeling. ********** #01. Name: joey anne Fanfic Tittle: Silence >Fanfic URL: http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/joeluvjoes/ Reason why she was Blacklisted: Broke the rule no. 3 and 8: #3. When you request to us..Please you cannot request to other site although I'm not going to put blacklisted you will be banned to request for us forever. Proof: She request from Forgotten Season Then Request to us. Poster from FS[Forgotten Season] >> HERE<< Poster from us[Dark Angel]: >>HERE<< ********************* #02. Name: Minhee Fanfic Tittle: Why Does He Change? Fanfic URL: http://winglin.net/fanfic/Minhee2/ Reason why she was Blacklisted: Because she broke the rule no.3. She already requested in other site then request to us. Proof: Request Form form U-Request >>HERE<< Request Form from US[Dark Angel] >>HERE<< NOTE: Don't be mad at us we only want for you to learn to respect other people's feeling 0 Share Your Thoughts babypaopao Icon
Monday, February 1, 2010
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**princess** Icon
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